The Nakło Foundation supports environmental protection, entrepreneurship and green industry thought leadership globally; and historical preservation, economic development, the hospitality industry, tourism, culture and other community building activities at the local level.
Our initiatives include:
Support for refugees fleeing war in Ukraine: Nakło Foundation is serving as a safe haven for families forced out of their home country due to the war in Ukraine. Funds collected are being used to contribute to local food banks and to purchase additional items for other refugees who are being relocated in our local community.
Local Economic Development: We support local economic development through our To Grow a Village initiative, a public-private project for rural economic development working in concert with local government to develop a localized industrial hemp value chain among farmers and producers.
Hospitality & Tourism: We promote tourism and the hospitality industry in our region, and operate as a Bed & Breakfast. When you stay with us, your room fees go directly to support The Nakło Foundation.
Historic Preservation: The foundation is custodial tenant, finances and directs an ongoing project that is restoring the Palace at Nakło, an 18th century estate in south-central Poland which is operated as a hospitality destination, and which serves as the headquarters of the Foundation’s other activities.
Sustainability: We are active participants in the global renaissance of industrial hemp through HempToday, our international family of information, communications and educational initiatives that help hemp stakeholders all over the world connect with each other and work together toward the common goal of a vibrant, well-functioning hemp industry – and all of the environmental promise it holds.