Nakło Foundation is serving as a safe haven for families forced out of their home country due to the war in Ukraine. Your donation goes to help cover the costs associated with our hosting of mothers and children, as men between the ages of 18-60 must stay in the country to support the war effort. The funds will also be used to transport refugees from the border, to contribute to local food banks and to purchase additional items for other refugees who are being relocated in our local community. We thank you in advance for your support. – Kehrt & Marzenna

If you need, or know someone who needs a place to shelter
For refugee placements at Nakło Foundation, click here, and fill in the form; send an email to [email protected]; or call Marzenna on +48 602 309 120.
A warm thank you to our donors:
- James D. Beehler
- Eric Steenstra
- Sugarland Staging
- Barry Walls
- Gail Nattkemper
- Elizabeth Wolfcale
- George McHugh
- Elena Pastura
- Pamela Thomas
- Community Thrift/Glenwood Springs, CO
- Maryon Tilley
- John Adkins
- Don Bachner
- Wilma Gieseke
- Sanford Stein
- Stephen & Terri Lantz
- Joe Haggerty
- Robert Polkosnik
- William Merrill
- Heidi Kaufmann
- Elena & Dom Tassielli & friends
- Romena Huq
- Benjamin Ashmore
- Susan Thompson
- Robert Ziner
- Jonathan Lillycrop
- Robert Clark
- Tommy Mullen
- Steven Pittman
- Ann Leago
- Jarred Johnson
- Cathy Sullivan-Duell
- Shizuko Nagashima
- Alexander Escher
- Allan Lengel
- Cindy Hendrix
- Tess Leach
- Sherri Oakley
- Randall Spencer
- Clyde Curley
- Laura Mitchell
- Dan Budzinski
- Suzanne Gross
- Sheila Donovan
- Max Marak
- Lucia Kaiser Sinn
- Joseph Tomasello
- Lainy Rappaport
- Darla Howe-Pierce
- Roseanne Fenster
- Cyril Samorodin
- Stephanie Poland
- Jack Mullen
- Alexis Ludi
- Stephen McDaniel
- Charles Dyer
- Morten Krug
- John Decker
- Nancy Villars
- Stephen Mankin
- Janice Meighen
- Paul Rauch
- Rebecca Brownfield Wachter
- Jean Plunkett
- Tyler Malinky
- Nancy Pearce
- Chris Halter
- Ruth Harney
- Kathy Veazey
- Kathey Loe
- Mary Lello & David Lovejoy
- Nancy Rodia
- Mollee Jain
- Allison Steitz
- Rebecca A Jones
- Elisa Pena
- Alexander Mark
- Tuxedo Enterprises Inc.
- Collin Gillam
- Debbie J Pepelea
- Anne Corbett
- Mary Sweaney
- Escapade Productions, Inc
- Bartosz Mazur
- Morris Beegle
- Jan Polen
- Arlene Jennings
- Julia Monaco Photography
- Krzysztof Krakowiak
- Vicki Sutphin
- Carli Onguc
- Jakub Korczak
- Helen Kester
- Jocelyn Bowie & David Semmel
- Meg Kupsinel
- Lubna Huq
- Barb Bausmith
- Nina Greipel
- Selma Henriksson
- Rosemarie Ivaldi
- Martina Weidenbaum
- Lynn Deardorf-Eagleton
- Geralyn Vinson
- Jaclyn Spanedda
- Roxanne Nagorka
- Gillian Beltz-Mohrmann
- Dina Whelan
- Natalie Solomon
- Sarah McBride
- Elena Juliano
- Lillian Hartman
- Ariela Nazar-Rosen
- Sabrina Zionts
- Laura Copp
- William Baillie
- Harold Reising
- Mike Leago
- Joan LeMahieu
- Nancy and Tom McPartland
- Brenda Loudermilk Wagner
- The Hemp Store Ltd
- Katherine Stevick
- Kapp and Kappy B&B
- Sarah Beehler
- Mary Murphy
- Curt Brighton
- Mary Kay Barb Fuller
- Anne & Rob Rhodes
- Christopher Stearns
- Lilliana Reitman
- The White Oak Inn
- Sherry Woodbeck
- Diana McCain
- Bill Vlasic
- Maryann Struman
- Susan Hopkins
- Gregory Gibbs
- Michael Houlihan
- Steve Allin & Aia Leu
- Robert Tidd
- Maryo Sljaiteris
- Ross Judge
- Abraham Paiss & Associates
- Aaron Dublenko
- Felipe Teixeira Favaro
- Greg Rodehau
- Tina Campidelli
- Katherine Ging
- Dan & Susan Michael
- Jo Say
- Ria Burghardt
- Mark Adams
- Darice Brucker
- Robert Clayton
- Mary Delaney
- Jesse Hahn
- Elizabeth Pitney
- Susan Whitall
- John Graham
- Debbie Bacal
- Mike Mencotti
- Blain Becktold
- David Hohendorf
- Lynn Montgomery
- Albert Holland
- Kent & Donna Kadel
- Bob Greeney
- Steven Thomsen
- James Andrews
- Donna Medved
- Julian Kornacki
- Shawnia Bridgewater
- Connie Schmoll
- Krystian Pawlik
- Allan Lengel
- Marcia Carroll
- Nancy Bowen
- Dee Verostko
- Diane Fairbanks
- Lukasz Denejko
- John Patterson
- Wanda Halpert
- Gail Abayon
- Luther Keith
- Art Meripol
- Christine Halpert
- Rachel Cifarelli
- D & L Tools
- Paul Tooher
- Denny Angelle
- Jonathan Shaw
- Joelle Park
- Chris Aldrich
- Judith Schaeffer
- Victoria Shields
- David Adams
- Anne Peters
- Kerrie Doyle
- James Hebler
- Catherine VanWinkle
- Lisa Hayes
- Dan Royer
- Pat Walkup
- John Adkins
- Jo Cates
- Antone Medeiros
- Carole Rosen
- Alan Stamm
- Pamela Price Testa
- Jody McPhillips & Dave Bloss
- Dennis Peters & Darin Stringer
- Mark Pulley
- Lisa Horwitz
- Al Robertson
- Davie Kyle
- Maria Rychlicki
- James McDonald
- Frederick Fisher
- Becca Fortenbery Widmer
- Lillian Clarke
- Joan K. Rosen
- Deborah Hamblet
- Elizabeth Cintolo
- Michael Schwarz
- Caren Kershner
- Lora Lawson
- Jan Elkins
- Brian Masck
- Janien Fadich
- Joan Carlin
- Jean Aden-Olson
- Armeen Willliams
- Jordan Welsh
- Karen Oxford Welsh
- Kay Beehler
- Megan Cummings
- Julia Lambert
- Megan McCambley
- Paul M. Murray
- Jane & Steve Totten
- Sara Shameem
- Scott Robinson
- Susan S Amos
- Jody Gan
- Wes Bausmith
- Kristen Baker
- B. Bettina/Monica Brummer
- Rodney Curtis
- Bob Maehling
- Sandy Carroll
- Bill Gaspard
- Mick Cochran & Noelle Lee
- Anna Chanthavongseng
- Jean Lotus
- Pat Wagner
- Robin T Elkin
- Pamela Bosch
- Barbara Filippone
- Steve Smith & Emily Hathaway
- Jonathan Brewer
- Marie McCammon
- Dave Weyerman
- Barney McClelland & Barbara White
- Belinda Cummings
- Nancy Lewis & Walt Stricklin